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DIY Journey Mapping


In Do-It-Yourself learning, the individual creates a map detailing the steps that will be followed to gain the knowledge and skills required to reach the intended goal(s). While we try to be  as complete as possible in our initial planning, we may find that we need additional skills or knowledge. It is perfectly acceptable to return to any stage of the process and add in the newly discovered needs. You can use the journey map below to create a DIY learning plan for a personal goal you may have in mind.

Completing a Journey Map

Mission Statement

Goal or Goals

To focus your journey, concisely state what you want to accomplish in your DIY journey. Keep the focus tight.

Relevant knowledge and skills

What you know relating to your goal

Take an inventory of the knowledge and skills you already possess relating to your mission statement.

What you need to get to your goal

Here is where you plan how you will in the gaps between your goal(s) and your starting point. If there seems to be a large gap, break it down into smaller attainable steps or topics.

Creating the route for your journey

In this section you will have to decide how to travel from your starting point to your goal(s).


Decide where you will go to get the information you need to progress along your journey. These individual topics of exploration are called waypoints. For example, if you need to learn how to solder, an online video would provide a demonstration that you could watch.

Resource types

Match appropriate resources for each waypoint you set. These can be media such as Youtube videos or TED talks, online research papers, or a local seminar or course.

Source verification

For each of the sources you have chosen to use, list the verification for the source here. Researching this will help to reduce biased or erroneous sources.

Journey Progress


In order to stay on track and be able to create a record of your journey, you will keep a record of your waypoints. This is like using a highlighter to keep track of your progress on a map as you travel. Two types of documentation are added to a journal, notes that you keep for each step of the journey as well as any important documentation.

Debriefing at journey's end


Here you will reflect on the path you took ensuring you have reached your goals and successfully navigated your waypoints. For each of your waypoints in the use the notes you keep to provide evidence of successful navigation. You can use whatever media type best provides evidence such as video, photos with a short written explanation, or a text-based description. At the end of the debrief, provide a summary of the entire journey experience.

Creating your own DIY Journey Map

Here is your chance to complete your own DIY plan. Fill in the form below to create your own map! 

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