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Student Section


1) Get an ipad and sphero. Use a cover.


2) Sync your Sphero Sprk+ with the app sphero Edu


3) log on to the sphero Edu app


Mr. Page's class: case sensitive.

username: glenmerry#  (ie: 1-27)

password: glenmerry


4) Go to classes  -  assignments and complete in this order.


Your teacher can see your progress and this is how you will be marked.

Once you have completed 4 out of 7 assignments (of your choice), go to the Open Source Lab mat and try to make your way through the mat.


* Driving the sphero isn't educational or what the goal is. Learn coding and complete the challenges. If you are feeling risky, try creating something inspiring. Look to other peoples programs for inspiration. YouTube or the sphero website would be best.



1) Draw 1: Shapes 

2) Draw 2: Spelling

3) Draw 3: Perimeter 

4) Blocks 1: Intro and Loops

5) Blocks 2: If/Then, Else 

6) Blocks 3: Lights

7) Blocks 4: Variables

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