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What you will learn: How to build a reaction game with Scratch 2.0 and your outputs, using variables

What you will need:

1 x LED

1x 220 ohm resistor

1x male to male jumper

What you will do

Wire up your breadboard

We will be using GPIO 16

Next lets pull in some  blocks. A key to start the game and a welcome message to the user then some instructions.  Along with a "set gpio" block

To get this block

click "More Blocks,


then click "Add and Extension"

then click this and ok

OK now we want the number to be random so the user can never guess the pattern of the LED. Also we want to turn on the LED that is in GPIO 16 (output high means on) 


Don't forget to check timer!!!

this block can be found in operators

Now we want to reset the timer to 0 and when the space key is pressed our "variable" time will appear on the screen 

reset timer

found here

input block

We want to display the time so create a variable called 'time' and place the 'timer' block at the end

click here and call it "time"

check this box

this is in Sensing

Now add two more say blocks at the bottom and you are done, awesome.  Try it out!

Taking it further

Can you find a way to use the if else block to make the game more customized? 

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