Big Projects: Engineering with Redstone
Materials: Computer, Minecraft Edu
The problem: Can you create a design that will solve a problem by automating a task in real life using redstone?

This sections goal is to:
1. A redstone circuit is a structure that activates or controls mechanisms. It consists of:
a) A power component provides power to all or part of a circuit — e.g., redstone torch, button, lever, redstone block, etc.
b) A transmission component passes power from one part of the circuit to another — e.g., redstone dust, redstone repeater, redstone comparator.
c) A mechanism component affects the environment (by moving, producing light, etc.) — e.g., piston, redstone lamp, dispenser, etc.
2. If you have played Minecraft you probably have built many things using redstone. However have you ever thought of how Minecraft could be brought into the real world?
3. For example this lighthouse or this fireworks launcher
or this chicken cooker or this wheat creator
or this automated micro farm!
4. Over the next month you will be creating redstone machines from each video below and placing them in a world. When you have completed all 13 machines you will be designing your own machine that could be brought into real life to solve a problem.