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What you will learn: the basics of coding the playground express and combining it with 3D design in Tinkercad.


What you will need: Play ground express, usb



What you will do:

- Open the button, Circuit Playground Express - Ode to Joy.

- See the code and how each note and rest correspond to the YouTube link. Go slow, pause when needed. You will be learning the notes on the piano.










Next Step is to try one of the songs below. Make a new project with your Circuit Playground Express (CPX). 


* You MUST save your song and drag it into your Google Drive after every time you edit it. This will allow you to download it from your Google drive and upload it into your CPX as you to continue working next class. 


Try these:  O Canada           Batman         Happy Birthday


Star Wars               Harry Potter      Pink Panther



CHALLENGE: Design a head of an object in tinkercad to put onto your circuit playground express.


Click here and Copy and Tinker

- In this Beethoven - Ode to Joy, you will have 3 pieces. Watch the video below for more detail. The video moves quickly, so please pause and watch again when needed.

- Quick reminder, the hole below whosever head needs to be 14.65mm.












Find on Thingiverse or make your own favourite head as a planter that has a song or theme song to go with it. Some ideas could be Batman, Spiderman, Ghostbusters or anyone you can think of. 






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