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Sphero Battle Ship
- 2 grids that are 10x10 that are large enough for Sphero to fit in one square
- 2 grids that are 10x10 printed on pieces of paper for recording shots fired
- 2 Spheros, 2 ipads
- 2 pencils
- large mat to divide players as seen in picture below.
- 2 sets of paper to imitate the 5 different types of ships (carrier that is 5 squares long, battleship 4 squares long, Cruiser 3 squares long, Submarine 3 squares long, Destroyer 2 squares long)
1) Oldest person goes first, then youngest.
2) You must code, not drive to squares. Wherever your sphero lands is where you will "attack". If it lands off the mat, it must be re done.
3) Record each location on your sheet to see if it was a miss or a hit.
4) You can practice on your mat with your sphero so you know the coding.
How you win:
- when all battleships are sunk. You must start with X and then Y coordinates. Always start your code from 0 - 0.
For the first couple shots, you may want to take turns shooting until you get the hang of it. When both teams are ready, you can allow each team to shoot as quickly as possible (i.e. not taking turns firing).
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