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Starter Projects: Pixel Art

Materials: Computer, Minecraft Edu, sheet of grid paper, pencil, coloured pencils







The problem: Can you create a work of art in Minecraft?

This sections goal is to:


1. Start by finding some pixel art that you want to produce, links are below

2. Next get a piece of grid paper and create the design using your coloured pencils.  The size of the grid paper will depend on the size of your art.  You can search up various sizes of grid paper on google.





















1. How you build the models is up to you.  Below is an example of 3 models created by a student.  Below that is an example of a completed world of students art


Video 1

Video 2 

Fly around the world and take a look at other students models.  Go back to your ideate phase and perhaps you can think about creating a more complex model like below.




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