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Making a Musical Instrument with your buddy class

Materials: 1-cm grid paper, pencial and pencil crayons, and laptop for 3D design on Tinkercad







The problem: Can the younger buddy draw a musical instrument? Lessons with the younger buddies will be needed to brainstorm what makes music. Hint....vibrations.









1. Start by printing off 1-cm grid paper for all younger buddies and have them draw their desired musical instrument. Remember they need to customize the vibrations. â€‹





















































Now that younger buddies have drawn their idea, it would be a good idea share ideas with other students in hopes of them possibly adding to the design and making a prototype.  Below is a guide on how one of the instruments was made.

- Older buddies log into Tinkercad and design what their younger buddy designed. Older students must build to the exact size on the grid paper.

- Check out your classmate's designs.  What kinds of things did they create, ask them what kinds of things could you add to both your musical instruments to make them better and maybe sound better as well?

- Errors we ran into were some instruments were too skinny or too thin when printed. It is up to the older buddy and their teacher to decide if the design will work when 3D printed.

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