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From 2D to 3D-Bringing Drawings In

Materials: paper, dark marker, tablet/phone for taking pictures and laptop for 3D design on Tinkercad







The problem: Can you take a 2D drawing and turn it into a 3D shape?









1. Start by getting a piece of paper and a black sharpie


2. Draw anything you like that will a part of your scene with your house, a flower, a cat the sun, anything!


These next steps are for getting the picture onto a laptop and are best done by a teacher or buddy in grade 5 or above!


3. Next you or your teacher will need to take a picture of your drawing with an ipad, tablet or phone


4. From here its best to upload the picture to a google drive account, the steps below are for an iphone, but an ipad or any tablet should have a similar sequence of steps






click here

click here

click here

STEP 1-find your picture

STEP 2-locate your drive

STEP 3-upload to drive

5. Now we need to convert our picture into an SVG file to get it into tinkercad to do this follow the video below





Now that we have placed our first drawing into the scene can we combine our drawings with the 3D shapes.  Perhaps a garden bed for the flowers or a branch to place your bird on or a dog house for your dog?

Check out your classmates designs.  What kinds of things did they create, ask them what kinds of things could you add to both your houses to make them better places to live?

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