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From 2D to 3D-Drawing your House

Materials: 20 x 20 grid paper, pencil, laptop for Tinkercad







The problem: Can you take multiple 2D drawings and turn them into a 3D house?









1. Start by getting a piece of grid paper that is 20 x 20 here 


2. Draw 4 walls for your house, each wall should be 9 cm long and 8cm high (you should be able to fit all the walls on your grid sheet.


3. Walls must have these parts

    a) windows

    b) 2 doors






1. Follow the video below to learn how to make your house

Now that your house is complete head back to your "Ideate" stage and see if you can draw any things that you could place inside your house such as a table or a chair or a bed

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